The CLGA exists to foster participation and excellence in ladies golf
while spreading passion for the game
Established in 1929, the Calgary Ladies Golf Association is a not-for-profit organization representing 5261 women and junior girl golfers from 35 member clubs in Calgary and surrounding area.
Each year on average, more than 1850 playing opportunities are offered to ladies and girls who can participate in CLGA amateur competitions and events, skills development and hospitality leagues. This programming encapsulates the unprecedented opportunity members experience through organized city-wide programming not found anywhere else in Canada. The annual event schedule contributes to growing the game by offering golfers of all ages and abilities the opportunity to compete at their highest desired level or enhance their recreational enjoyment of the game.
The CLGA is able to fulfill its mandate through the shared hosting of its annual events amongst its members clubs. We are grateful to the numerous dedicated teams of committee volunteers who with board support, enthusiastically plan and prepare the events while assisting with marketing and promotions. Every event is sprinkled with the uniqueness presented by each host club in their hospitality and execution. Always striving for maximum participation, event entry fees remain competitive with pricing that reflects a cost recovery basis.
Participation Guidelines
CLGA events and tournaments are open to CLGA member clubs in good standing. Women and junior girls must have a current Golf Canada handicap factor. Invitations to non-members are extended to novice and junior girls aged eighteen and under.