January 15, 0223
Attention all Club Representatives
The board of the Calgary Ladies Golf Association is requesting “Special Resolution”
Requested by- Law change 2024
Happy New Year Club Reps,
We are requesting a by-law change and addition for the 2024 and 2025 year.
The first on is to add a proxy vote to ensure we can have a quorum at our AGM. Currently we need 2/3’s, however, this is impossible to get as some clubs do not have ladies’ representatives.
I.e. Wintergreen, Cochrane, Heritage Pointe are to name a few. This will affect item # 20 Voting in the current By-laws
Once we do roll call at the meeting any clubs that are not there, we will use their proxy to form a quorum. At the last 2 AGM’s we did not have a quorum so we could not vote in 2 new people to the board executive.
Secondly, we are unable to draw a Vice President from our membership so we need to go back to the old way where the host club of the City Amateur would come from that club for the 2025 year.
Currently the board encompasses the following people for the CLGA Board of Directors:
President Cindy Beaudet Canyon Meadows
Five-year Planner Andrea Kosa Glencoe
Vice President Kathy Trofin Hamptons to be elected in 2024 Spring AGM
Secretary Pat Peters Priddis to be elected in 2024 Spring AGM
Treasure Meaghan Leblanc Country Hills
Marketing Wendy Ellacott Bearspaw
Tournament director Lee Misura Priddis
Juniors Jocelyn Frankow Inglewood
Past President Vacant
I am asking that you send back your vote no later than January 12, 2024, so we can send in the changes to Service Canada.
Ladies if you are no longer the representative kindly let us know by click here to update your club contacts.
Please click on below form to vote on the special resolution.
The board will be unable to move forward without your participation in this vote.
Happy New Year to you all and I do hope to see you on the course this spring.
Warmest Regards,
Cindy Beaudet
Cindy Beaudet
Calgary ladies Golf Association